JC-estate ( Owner )


Tokyo Marin City Estate Rental info

Tokyo Marin City Estate (fullregion / Homestead SIM) Rental infoResidential/Light CommercialPlease read full covenant be...
Land Sale

Sea, Water parcel, Grid Edge 8192sqm – Imolarto [M]

The north side is the grid-edge Protected Sea.Next to it is another parcel of the same size.Also on the south side is a ...

G&S Ka-la-na tree etc. are on sale

Junichiro CobaなかなかG&Sで栽培する時間が取れないので、在庫を放出します。(I don't have enough time to grow it in G&S, so I will release the stock.)・...
Land Sale

Land Sale: Mountain top, Seasideview 2048sqm – Silvercreek [M]

It is the top of a mountain with a good view.You can also see a big bridge.2048sqm 703prims 4400L$

Platform List

var e="";if(window.location.href&&URL)try{var a=new URL(window.location.href);a.searchParams&&null!==a.searchParams.get(...
Land Sale

Protected Seafront, Seaside, UnBlockable Sea 3072sqm – Afanasyev [M]

It is a protected seaside facing south. There are two Linden Sea on the south side. There is also the ground, but if you...
Land Rental

Sky Platfome Rental

About Sky Platfome RentalsummaryThis is a rental in which a single parcel is shared by multiple users.Land details canno...

Parcel Rental

区画レンタル(Parcel Rental)について概要・一つの区画を一人のユーザーで専有するレンタルです。・プラットホームレンタルと違い、メディアの変更が可能です。・土地の詳細の設定など、更に多くの権限が欲しい場合は、フルパーミッション・オ...